Is It OK to Kiss Your Cat?

Learn whether it’s okay to kiss your cat.

Humans use hugging and kissing as a way to show affection, and many times, we use those methods to try and show our cats we love them. But do cats like to be kissed?

Some Cats Don't Mind Kisses

Cats have lived with humans for centuries, and they've adapted well to most of our strange ways. Many cats tolerate or even seem to respond positively to kisses from their favorite human, especially quick pecks on the top of the head. Here are some ways your cat will show you she doesn't mind being kissed:

If your cat gives you these signs, it's probably fine for you to kiss her.

Some Cats Hate Kisses

Some cats dislike being kissed. They might be similarly averse to hugs. Here are some things your cat will do if she doesn't like kisses:

If your cat does any of those behaviors, don't try to kiss her. She's telling you she doesn't like it. Instead, find a different way to show her you love her, like engaging in an interactive play session or simply petting her.

How Do Cats Show Humans Love?

Most of the time, cats don't kiss to show love, though some cats do lick their humans affectionately. Some other ways that cats show love instead include:

You can use the slow eye blink toward your cat to show her you love her if she doesn't like kisses and hugs.

Some Rules for Kissing Cats

Here are some guidelines to keep in mind surrounding kissing cats: